On a ‘big picture’ level, we’re stuck in a very bad place right now. Domestically, we’re being subjected to a senile puppet enacting the furthest left agenda imaginable. Russia has destabilized much of Europe and sent economic shockwaves around the globe. China is our long term multi-dimensional threat, also with an expansionist and anti-West agenda. […]
The True Danger When Biden and Democrats Fail to Speak Out Against Threats to the Supreme Court
We’re now about a week into the news cycle wherein a draft of the decision that would undo Roe v Wade was leaked. This spawned a separate news event when the conservative Supreme Court Justices were doxed, and yet further layers of news events as demonstrators showed up at the conservative justice’s homes and that […]
The Two Words That Vladimir Putin is Waiting to Hear
In the entire response to Vladimir Putin over his invasion of Ukraine, from the U.S, U.K., and E.U. and similarly aligned countries have said a great many things that are necessary and have provided much assistance. Additionally, there are the sanctions, the crackdown on the oligarchs, the economic and diplomatic isolation that if sustained, would […]
Technology is the Only Answer to ‘Global Warming’
For millennia, walking or harnessing an animal was the only means of traveling on land. Heating for survival, comfort, and for countless industrial applications when needed was made by burning combustibles that are by today’s standards, the worst polluters, and sources of carbon. A hundred years of innovation with various fossil fuels resulted in vastly […]
An Assessment of the Ambition of Governor Larry Hogan
I’ve avoided bringing local politics into Northeast Reader (a separate project may soon fill that void) but this topic has national implications and segues into something much broader. Maryland Governor Larry Hogan is finishing out his second and final term. He’s been very popular throughout most of his tenure and currently ranks as third most […]
Truth Defines Authentic People – Thus We Are Now in Danger
When I was coming of age in the 70s, a Soviet dissident, Aleksander Solzhenitsyn gained hard earned notoriety as a contemporary prophet after surviving some of the worst of his country’s oppression under communism. His enormous story, ‘Gulag Archipelago’ was published in 1973. A shorter more readable rendition, ‘One Day in the Life of Ivan […]