A tertiary matter within the big picture of America’s great decline needs to be spoken to. Where is John Fetterman? We all ‘know’ he was sent to recuperate from clinical depression and presumably also additional convalescence from his stroke last year. That belies a pretty horrible set of priorities; get scraped into office and then […]
Txh S$h A3#ut TWiT&ree – Isk f9%4kd Vp
When at first you don’t succeed Even when you try hard Always keep your head up Pardon the appearance of malice Only seen when they want Never shall you pass You could be excused for thinking I lost my lid. I’ve just engaged in cryptic play as a demonstration of what it might take to […]
If Trump Is Indicted
If Trump is indicted by Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg this coming week or beyond, be aware that the reasons and the outcome are clear. This article is the most concise explanation that I’ve seen to date of the potential charges and legal precedent, or lack thereof, guiding the decision. The puppeteers guiding Joe Biden need the sideshow […]
A Snapshot of Social Media – A Fragmenting Dream
I can remember the ancient and early days of social media. For me, this was about fifteen years ago. I was a late arriver, intentionally skipping all the initial hype, only diving in once it was mainstream. Part of this is certainly a submerged streak of Luddite in my soulish DNA. I always skew toward […]
Scott Adams and the Consequences of Speaking to Race
The videos are gruesome. A white middle school-aged boy is crouching in the boy’s bathroom, surrounded by a gang of at least 5 or 6 much larger boys, all black. First the boy is pushed up against a wall, then beat with a running swing, knocking him off his feet. His head hits the tile […]
Advice to Men Looking for a Fine Woman
Once in a while, I depart from gloom and doom, but not too far. This topic addresses something universal, a man seeking a woman. It’s universal because there are just two parties involved, and shy of very rare medical anomalies, this encompasses both genders. As you just noticed, I’ve already stepped into a hot, raging culture […]