I am like an absentee recipient of the scorn from both political parties. I voted the Libertarian ticket. The only enemy greater than that other side is a third party vote. During this election cycle I concluded like many other Americans, that neither major party had provided a credible candidate. Subsequently, I’ve generated at least […]
True Believers?
To all my Democrat friends I understand political loyalty. I understand that in local and sometimes state and national office, Democrats often do make fine civil servants even when they take positions I don’t agree with. I understand that often, a person chooses to take the whole party slate in order to promote the platform […]
A Post Revisited
On or about March 12, 2016, there was violence on the campaign trail. I do not now recall exactly where. Violence during a presidential campaign is not unheard of, but at that date and at the intensity of the event that involved numerous people being bloodied, it was unusual. It seemed to be a harbinger […]
Thank you Julian
The conventional assumption is that Julian Assange is working for the Trump campaign. Likewise, those who subscribe to the idea of Russian hack sources are thinking the same direction, although if true, Russian motives are sure to be more complex. Julian Assange has already declared a reason that he is releasing emails damaging to Hillary; […]
Today I Recommend 9/19/16
The liberal establishment’s Clinton obsession is blowing up in its face Web Publication: New York Post, by John Podhoretz The watch begins Fortunately this excruciatingly bad election cycle is almost over. One of the two parties – neither of which can fathom defeat – is going to have to face defeat in all of its glorious horror. That’s […]
The chosen one
You have to wonder what the George Soros’ of the world were thinking when they chose Hillary Clinton to be their standard bearer. Of course this presumes that you or I believe that our civic leaders are puppets for the new world orders and all things Davos, Trilateral, and Bilderberg. While I’m sure the truth […]