In this week’s installment some prior week’s issues have moved up – Succeed, or down – Fail, after being in the Wait and See category. The point here is many issues are never clear-cut at first hype. Would that most media organizations took that approach. Some issues, such as foreign affairs developments or spy-craft are […]
Part 2 – Fake News In my piece ‘Fake News Checkers and Misplace Priorities’, I suggested we need to go beyond blanket condemnation of news outlets and instead, authenticate or condemn specific news stories. We have the technology. Immediately after the election, we heard about fake news authored by kids running junk websites. Just three […]
Fake News Checkers and Misplaced Priorities
I came upon an interesting expose piece about dubious fake news checkers on a site that is itself dubious. But since there are plenty of quotes and details that can be researched and it’s heavily hyperlinked, I thought I’d go ahead and use it as a springboard for some crucial thoughts about the fake-news war. […]
The Trump Scorecard 2/22/17
This is a summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week. To summarize the past week of Trump, we’ll call it ‘The Education of Donald’. He is slowly finding out that Washington will do him no favors nor reward him for his abrasive business style. At face value, this is good […]
The Press Conference
The press conference held by Trump on Thursday has kept the news cycle spinning for several days and it’s still going. I have a confession to make here. I watch virtually no live speech or press conference events although I’ve caught some chance segments on radio. This has included all presidents as far back as […]
The Trump Scorecard 2/15/17
This is a summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week. The news dominating the Trump administration this week is mayhem, infighting, leaks, and even resignations. Executive orders have taken a back seat. Nevertheless, because EOs have been a source of so much angst for so many who don’t bother to […]