In the course of just a few years, sexual/gender activists have succeeded in a blitzkrieg on all children, via the schools. As the San Francisco Gay Men’s Chorus proclaimed just less than a year ago, “we’re coming for your children”. Even then, the threat was seen as a leap of deviant hubris and received such backlash that the video was taken down. Not even a year later, not a day goes by when my news feed doesn’t feature a story of teachers, administrators, or school systems forcefully defending the introduction of alt-sex content to small children. Twenty years ago, that messaging was limited to 18 and older Internet content. Ten years ago, it was being fought over for high and middle school kids. Now it’s being forced into grade school.
This has nothing to do with adult sexuality and gender experimentations. My libertarian side has no qualms with adults making adult choices. On the other hand, when it comes to minors, I agree with the approach taken by Florida in calling educator’s sexual/gender intervention as ‘grooming’. I’d also call it a felony. I’m not here to add another one in hundreds of millions of voices of disapproval. Another tsk tsk isn’t needed. There needs to be a counter offense. With rare exception such as in the case of Governor DeSantis in Florida, very few states, companies or institutions are adequately standing up to the Gay Terror; and by Gay Terror, I mean the activist perverts that are coming for your children with the full force of the institutions that they represent, especially schools, but after that, corporations like Disney comes to mind.
Even conservatives are afraid of offending their gay friends if they vocally stand up against the Gay Terror. What should be happening is that even traditional gays – perhaps that’s a majority of them – the ones that formed and practiced their preferences with equal respect for their hetero-normative peers, should be out in public denouncing the Gay Terror mob. Counter to what that mob thinks, we’re not entering some ‘age of Aquarius’ moment in history where suddenly, the entire ab-normative constituency will suddenly become the default dominant preference, loved and admired by all, enlightened and superior. History has been here many times before and it didn’t end well.
I’d like to suggest a pathway to bypass the mob. There is no reasoning with the perverse psychotics. Schools are chartered to do one thing, and that’s education. The sexual/gender activist in schools are practicing psychiatry and medicine without proper licensing and insurance. To address that, states (legislatures or even ballot initiatives) should strip all funding for all positions and materials related to gender alternates and limit sex education to physiology. Any school staff performing gender or sexual activism on or for a minor should be charged and convicted of a felony. All gender or sexual counselling would be referred to a professional outside the school system with a parent’s consent. In-school counselling would be limited to academics. If a child would be endangered by a parent’s involvement, then social services would be involved, not to hide counselling from parents but to involve them and as needed to create legitimate accountability. That’s their job.
Easier said than done? Parents are the Zelensky’s of our domestic culture wars. They’re changing school boards; they’ve won states and they will be winning elections. They’re not running from controversy, they’re not looking for a ride, they’re looking for ammo. It’s the rest of us that need to buck up, stand up and call out the Gay Terror by name. Their claims of persecution as justification for their activism is a gross opportunistic myth. If the present Ukraine war were a metaphor, they would be the Putin in the equation, falsely crying about imagined threats as a justification for the huge offensive attack. Get the Gay Terror out of schools and we’ll be surprised at how quickly everywhere else like the Disney’s of the world will follow suit. It’s ONLY about getting to your children and nothing else.