Maui Fires Once the smoke clears, literally and figuratively, the Maui Fires will be regarded as an American Holocaust where hundreds, maybe thousands of middle class children and others were horrifically subjected to gross negligent manslaughter by woke government and emergency services, all in the name of – who knows and who cares, but there was some […]
San Francisco – A City on the Verge of Civil Sepsis
Every day this week so far, I’ve seen a headline and story about the ongoing crash of San Francisco. It’s a shame, I liked the city a lot when we visited not too many years ago. Our annual trips used to be centered around or involved major iconic American cities. We subsequently felt like we […]
The Conflicted Blankness of Benedict Pence
Mike Pence is in the news and not for good reasons. He was easy to ignore for a long time but he’s suddenly more relevant due to new revelations of his conduct and betrayal in the final days of his and Trump’s term in office. In a way, I’m just piling on. Pence worked in […]
What If the New York Time Staff is Just Terminally Conceited?
A certain Mr. David Brooks of the New York Times wrote a piece called: ‘What if We’re the bad guys Here’ I did not, cannot, and will not read the opinion piece directly because I will never dignify the propaganda outlet with a cent of revenue, and they of course have a paywall. I did nevertheless […]
Childlessness and the Ensuing Perverted World Views
An old acquaintance that I maintain a connection with, just on Facebook, recently posted a meme that goes something like this: ‘Live your life like it would be outlawed in Florida’. This, of course is a liberal-progressive sentiment made salient, to them, by the successful campaign of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, to reign in the […]