I generally dislike focusing on current events because events move so fast that my prompts are almost spoiled by the time they hit the Interwebs, but speak on these I must. My last post involved comparing and contrasting two sets of events. These are related to those observations but instead of contrasting, these bear too […]
Two Circumstances of Irreconcilable Options
Circumstance #1 Tucker Carlson Interviews Putin: In ordinary times, this would be of great interest to a certain set of people and irrelevant to most others. Now, it is an extraordinary event because of context. Tucker Carlson is not just a wildly liked or hated journalist; his ouster from Fox made him a spokesman for […]
We Might Be Losing Our Minds – The Promise of Brain Implants
If you find errors in this article, you can take assurance and comfort that it was written by a flawed human with a flawed mind. Enjoy that as such, while you can. This past week, Elon Musk announced to the world that his venture, Neuralink, had placed their first implant into a human. This is […]
The Cost of Cowardly Supreme Court Justices – Making a Civil War
While I tend to avoid screaming headline issues and am successful with it most of the time, this is one of the exceptions, the threat against Texas by the Biden administration. The barest of facts go like this. Biden, implementing the directions of his masters and handlers, facilitates an open border since his inauguration, flaunting […]
Some Things I Don’t Comment About and Why
Any regular reader of Northeast Reader could quickly conclude that I have a range of topics I come back to often. They are of course, ones I feel strongly about but my highlighting those causes should not be taken as an indication that the many things I don’t comment on are not as important to […]