Barack Obama is gradually seeping back into the news. Since his ostensible departure from the Presidency in 2016, he kept a carefully studied distance from public life that was aloof and yet entirely inauthentic. He broke with traditions that a past President would not meddle with an in-coming administration and threw public barbs from afar at the Trump administration. Now we know he was doing far more, quietly orchestrating massive resistance to the one man systematically destroying his legacy, Donald Trump. This followed up what was essentially, the executive chairmanship of a deep state hit to aid the campaign of the much-entitled Hillary Clinton, illegally and undemocratically harnessing the power of the federal government to block, discredit, and destroy Donald Trump. And still Hillary lost, and still Barack Obama is chairing the effort to destroy Donald Trump’s next Presidential bid. This in addition to running and controlling the vain and senile Biden and his administration, to restore his, Obama’s, failed legacy, and to force systemic and destructive changes to the America he hates, sans further tarnishing his own personal brand.
Joe Biden’s advancing senility, along with the natural inevitable failure of promoting Obama’s disastrous policy initiatives are forcing Obama out into the open. It would seem that even Barack Obama, ever the self-regarding genius, could not fully anticipate the fruits of his Iranian patronage at the expense of an Israel he loathes, and the primitive violence of Hamas. Now it divides his party, it tears apart the left flank from the substantial Jewish constituency that makes up a substantial piece of his base. Where Joe Biden is now reduced to literal babbling, now on an almost daily basis, Barack Obama is forced to speak for himself again, a necessity he surely hoped to avoid.
One might be inclined to think that the front-man Biden and his puppeteer Obama, along with their globalist cohorts, may have overplayed their hand against America. Perhaps they could not calculate that destroying its foundation of merit oriented productive citizenry would produce a blowback. Maybe they counted on so overwhelmingly rewarding the freaks, the woke, the traditional blocs of unproductive parasites, with the spoils of ‘whiteness’, that they could ignore any sense of moderation and pacing in their zeal to turn the country into a bastion of government dependent socialist living in a circus sideshow, but here we are. Even still owning the deep state, and all the major institutions in media, education, and most of corporate America, and throwing a coordinated legal attack of eighty+ faux potential felony convictions against Trump, they’re only hope of defeating him, presently, is repeating massive election fraud, again, except now without the benefit of widespread ignorance and stealth. All their cultivated lies like J6 and the narrative of a fair 2020 election are failing, gradually pressing into the awakening brains of the great number of confused non-aligned middle Americans.
A consequence of this unintended enlightenment, along with the forced new exposure of Barack Obama, is to realize just how much of our ruin is his direct responsibility. We’re a nation at war with itself, virtually on the brink of civil war, and here stands a man that earned a reputation as the great divider. Hindsight is 20/20 and for those that care to look, there’s a staggering list** of initiatives, doctrines, and practices that have brought us to the brink and so many of them point directly to Obama. Memories are deplorably short, but a few may recall a day when Donald Trump had no real interest in politics. We got Trump 2016 because of Obama. In the seven years since, Trump found and hardened his identity as an America First leader and in fact, crystalized the most contemporary expression of those timeless values. Concurrently, Obama has been exposed as the man behind the curtain, doing his own and the bidding of other global socialist such that now, they can envision the day when the United States will be nothing but the parasite eaten shell of its former self, with its original substance replaced by a neutered servile dependent citizenry.
While Biden and his inevitable replacements merit direct confrontation and defeat, Obama is the one that must be exposed. Obama must become a major campaign issue. Every one of his seditious treasonous acts needs to be aired from the highest point for all to see. All Biden’s failures? They were Obama’s failures too as that is where they were being phoned in from. Shout it from the housetops. Obama is masterminding our destruction and Biden isn’t his last puppet.The most vulnerable part of Obama is his ego. His real-world failures are myriad. The key to his destruction is to relentlessly educate the public of the latter.
There is currently a lot of resurfacing buzz about Obama, his true ‘birther’ status, his proclivity for homosexuality, whether Michelle is really a transexual man (‘Mike’), ergo, the true identity of the kids. I cannot say for 100% sure if these are the case but I’ve seen enough evidence to suggest that Obama should be forced to prove or disprove the postulations. After having the entire establishment run cover for him on these the past sixteen+ years, the notion of such a challenge is a major affront to his bloated ego. Do these facts even matter? Perhaps they’d matter to the pride rainbow coalition of which he might be a secret member, but most relevant is for Americans to know exactly who and what this man is, actively and corruptly meddling in elections, which is precisely why he would never willingly take up the challenge. That doesn’t mean he could not or should not ever be forced to defend himself on these trivial points. This isn’t 2008 anymore or even 2020. For the moment at least, there is a free flow of information over at X (formerly Twitter).
Obama’s real crimes are treason and sedition. If we overlooked the entire disaster of his eight year (official) Presidency, still his helming of a stealth insurrection is worthy of imprisonment or deportation, but first he must be exposed to the masses.
** Some readers at this point would disingenuously expect a detailed laundry list of ‘proof’ laid out for them. There are too many other conservative writers that do just that exhaustively, thus, I choose to frame this written commentary as a part of a collective whole, available online. Meanwhile, my focus here is take these a step further and propose next steps. Any earnest reader in doubt of my propositions is welcome to explore this topic further.
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