Three would make a nice series. I first did impressions of what makes ‘men’ for Harris in ‘If You Have to Say You’re a Man You Ain’t a Man’, and it’s something less than the ideal man. I looked into the yards of community members for Harris in ‘Kamala’s People – a Drive Around the County’ and though they surely must see themselves as sincere, their outer and inner circumstance belie the ironies of their choices. Now I’ll look through the broadest lens and profile the whole insane bunch of them. Given what we know of Harris with documented surety, who are these people that would pull the level for her? We need to understand these constituencies because they aren’t going away anytime soon.
The first and largest constituency of Kamala Harris are the cretinous hoards blindly stoked by her status as a female, or her skin tone, or some vague notion of her progressivism, and certainly her sole conviction which is killing babies in the womb at any stage, at any time or whim. That is all and there is nothing to add to it for these people.
The second largest group are those with white hot hate for Donald Trump. It doesn’t matter that Kamala Harris demonstrates no more intellect and verbal skills than a troubled fourteen-year-old, a condition likely augmented by the now well documented heavy drinking she engages in. This group often proudly pronounces their own brilliance, never once seeming to realize that their judgement is automatically debunked by their emperor-with-no-clothes endorsements of such a manifest dunce. This group is angry, very angry, pathological-needs-counselling kind of angry. They spin elaborate myths to justify their hate of Trump, forgetting the successful Presidency he had [peace, economy, controlled immigration etc etc] up until he handed over too much power to special Deep State agent Fauci and the virus he and others engineered to bring a new world order. At street level, your anti-Trump Kamala voting neighbor, uncle, co-worker, all have a bitter life edge to them. There is no ‘joy’ found here.
Of course, we have basic loyal Democrats who would vote for her even of she murdered children on camera while belting out her cackle. I don’t think that kind of loyalty is hyperbole for that group. I could place these with the first group except that loyalty, even recklessly blind loyalty, has a functional utility to organization. This group may eventually die out as the party whiplashes to various victim identity groups.
Next are the army of federal ‘servants’ that in varying degrees, have received a sinecure wholly dependent on the perpetuation of bloated government. There are roughly three million non-military position in the government. Forget about the ones that are sub-performing and should not be tolerated but focus instead on the ones doing things the government should not be doing at all to begin with. One million people? Add to that the $ billions, and trillions in trickle down cash sent to state and local workers sucking the same tit of grants and frivolous or evil appropriations. A lot of them are voting for Kamala to save their job and their mission.
Then there are the recipient families and extended families of the great federal klepto-spoils industrial complex. Five billion $ to build eight EV charging stations? That graft feeds a lot of families, builds a lot of vacation homes, buys a lot of boats, swells a lot of rainy day and mistress back accounts. Christmas was lit for the families of those functionaries. A hundred million to study racism over here, they are salaries. Forty million to advocate for trans-curious youth over there buys nice houses for the orange and blue haired demographic. Billions for that media study and censorship program, here, and there, and under here. It all adds up. Be assured that at least of a trillion $ of Biden/Harris’ debt run up went to these causes, if not also to directly buy their votes. That resulting federal debt that will strangle and starve your grandchildren and great grandchildren. Be assured that Biden/Harris felt it was worth it to them to keep their party in power today. A trillion dollars will buy a lot of votes if it were spread thin enough, or else if their people got greedy and kept the recipient pool small, maybe this didn’t work out so well for them. Maybe they should’ve better democratized their graft.
The last major group are the DC deep state swamp creatures and political class, similar to the superfluous federal workers and klepto spoils groups, these people benefit directly and handsomely from their government take but even more urgent is their need to stay out of jail because running a shadow government doesn’t play well with the constitution or the ignorant expectations of the lowly common man. This group’s vote for Kamala is a vote for themselves because they are the ones that have run her and Biden these past four years and they will be running Kamala in the next if they succeed in the steal.
The groups listed thus far are the primary and most numerous constituents for Kamala Harris but since it’s the end of the election cycle, I should highlight two other niche groups that might not be numerically massive but that bend opinion with reach.
The Democrat consultant group (I’d call them vultures) are a numerically small group who at face value are employed to promote the Democrat party and its priorities but their most striking feature is their ruthless amorality. They know deeply, that Kamala Harris was the worst Vice President and is the worst candidate for President in the history of their party, that she is vastly unqualified for the position, and that short of successfully controlling everything she says and does, would result in the collapse of the nation domestically and internationally e.g. an accidental nuclear war or civil war, all of course destroying the civil foundations under which these people raise their kids or grandkids. And they do it anyway. These people are the moral equivalent to a lung cancer patient laying in bed smoking their last cigarette before they die.
The final group I highlight here might seem like a shocker but that’s why they should be mentioned: evangelical Christians. We know the Episcopalians, Presbyterians, Lutheran, and dozens of other ‘mainline’ churches sold their souls long ago. We’ve seen the Baptists follow and many a mega church. Now, news stories describe how evangelical churches are going woke for all the same reasons that their older cousins fell long ago. It’s all happening with leftwing dark money buying and installing their earnest sounding thinkers in their seminaries and pastor’s conferences, and writing glossy books that evangelicals love oh so well. They don’t come blaring a trumpet declaring how they’ll eventually turn the vote of their faithful, but its there, hidden. Messages like: ‘you’re making your [conservative] politics into a religion’ ‘sanctifies’ their message. Sooner or later, abortion, ‘compassion’, ‘justice’ replace it are woven onto their message until one day, the pulpit takes a path and leads the sheep down another path; and one church at a time, they eventually accept a woke Marxist candidate and pull the lever for her, but at least their politics is not their religion.
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