It’s time to update this page for the first time in nearly three years. I’m an observer who writes. I previously referred to myself as a journeyman but only to capture that writing is a constant learning process. Nevertheless, since the inception of this website in 2016 and other content on a prior site, I’ve written enough to compare myself with professional journeyman. In fact, I think my output exceeds many other dedicated conservative web authors. It should also go without saying, there are no writing robots here, ever.
The most important question is: why do I write and host and post articles/essays to I write my observations, my vision, my legacy, and an expression of a catharsis for the insanity that surrounds me and us in public civic life. This necessarily veers predominantly into politics, something I see as regrettable, but it must be done, but I also visit futurism, technology, and matters important to the ‘sexes’, men, women, and especially to address young men on occasion. At any given time, there are thousands of articles being published about the hot current event du jour. It’s important to me to try to address an issue or slant that’s not getting much attention. This may entail shouting out a position on something before it becomes mainstream news, even if it at first seems like a wild-eyed conspiracy theory or a way-out-there prediction or I may sit and wait some days or weeks to let the dust settle and then speak to a neglected facet of a news topic. I may neglect the headlines altogether and address some underlying trend that’s off everyone’s radar.
How I write is also important. I ignore conventions of traditional journalism because as a commentator, I am not thus bound. I will insert profane street vernacular at times. I do not pretend to stick with 5th grade reading level verbiage and I enjoy floating outdated vocabulary at times because it’s also my personal diction. I love and embrace when literary elements work there way into my writing on occasion. Honestly, I don’t try that hard, but they do appear almost magically at times. That sometimes conveys a topic better than dry analysis. Many of my pieces will include some humor, often playing on the sardonic. Sometimes, my tendency to offend is quite intentional and ‘shock’ is on the table. I assume that the reader has some connection to conservative web media, and I’ll use terminology mostly familiar with that crowd, so if your sole orientation is strictly mainstream press, you’ll think I’m an idiot, but it may really be the other way around. Many of my peers feel obligated to build a journalistic case ad infinitum, as if they’re lawyers, and will use links liberally to do so. Since they do it, I don’t. Most of my links are internal now as I assume the reader a) already knows the subject matter, or b) knows how to search for the suppositions I lay out. Years from now I don’t want my essays weighted down with dead links.
Because I’ve written a great deal over time, I’ve also shifted positions on a lot of things. I used to worry about my credibility in that but now I embrace it. I finally went back and am rereading my earlier years and will finish a total review soon enough. What I found was eye opening. I had expected to feel shamed at my earlier stances and writing style but instead I’m coming away with an appreciation for my own evolution and the stylistic elements were not as bad as I expected. Yes, I’ve changed on some things but what sticks out are the precursors and development of where I’ve landed today. All my earlier posts remain posted and will continue for the foreseeable future.
I’m not a professional writer as per the common understanding of the idea. While my wife occasionally finds time to do a technical edit review, many articles haven’t and won’t be touched. I otherwise, have no staff, salary, income stream, grad student, associate, or any other means to polish my writings so you may expect to see occasional typos and errors in composition, punctuation, grammar, or spelling. I am indebted to the intuitive tools in MS Word for avoiding basic errors. If you the reader are an English writing snob and feel scandalized by any found errors, move along, the rest of us are focused on the bigger picture.
To the members of any federal government censorship outfit or three letter agencies, welcome. Introduce yourself sometime because I know you’ve dropped by in the past. To all, just remember Northeast Reader is a commentary and opinion site and for now, we still live in a constitutional republic with strong First Amendment rights. All assertions of fact are based on widely disseminated news available to the public, and always from multiple sources. All future predictions are based on my analysis of current trends. Enjoy the journey here because tomorrow is yet another new day.
Lee Jones
November 2024
This website is a non-profit and an unincorporated entity at its inception.