One day this week, I wanted to pen an article extoling the progress made by the American people rising up and demanding sanity in government. It would focus on the collapse of the Biden agenda, the impending retaking of the legislature, and of the success in federalism, the rights of states to govern their own affairs and how that affects an overarching encroachment by the federal government. Most of this stems from ‘We The People’ driving reform such as concerned parents demanding to take back local control of schools and people reshaping the make-up of their elected officials. It includes the rise of alternate media economies that are starting to make a dent against the leftist mainstream networks and even some of the tech sector dominance. Getting cancelled by these entities no longer condemns an individual to a voiceless wasteland. All of this has been greatly aided by the gross incompetence and venal ambition of the far left in conducting their agenda. They came, they swung, they missed. Any act that they pull off now will barely help their base, much less convince independents or adversaries. There are a lot of reasons for hope.
I wanted to write an article warning about the doom that is hard-baked into almost all our institutions now. While the very top pinnacle of the leftist cabal in government is sick, diseased, and failing; all the parties that put them there and that have benefitted from their brief rampage, are very much alive. The cancer is strong and does not abate. The left owns most of academia, most of the tech sector, and most of mainstream media. They own most of the bureaucratic deep state. They’ve seem to have consolidated their hold on much of the senior leadership of the armed forces. Big business leadership is now almost entirely represented by globalist. They’ve even made substantial incursions into the church, and not just traditional allies in mainline denominations. They’ve significantly formed and shaped the beliefs and expectations of millennials on down such that they count on their acquiescence and votes.
And yet, even all of this does not assure the success and long-term ascendance of the left. Despite holding all these advantages, the leftist agenda is failing and they’re hemorrhaging constituents. Moving vans can’t keep up with people fleeing cities and states controlled by Progressives. That alone is a pretty good indication of how all of this will parse out. People vote with their feet and the choice is clear.
There is one wild card in all of this. I just wrote about the phenomena known as Mass Formation Psychosis. This was initially proposed to apply to all things related to Covid but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Covid may soon enter a phase of endemic regression but the psychosis driving the agenda associated with the social control the disease enabled is the same mental illness that animates and deludes almost the entire Democrat majority in Washington and Progressive run states. Signs point to a black swan event, perhaps the 2022 mid-term election cycle and certainly the 2024 to come after that. Everyone should remember the social despair manifested by the entire leftist Democrat camp after the 2016 election. Prior, during and after that election, an insurrection was being conducted by Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, Joe Biden, the leadership of the justice department and several three-letter agencies. It was far more tangible and developed than the rag-tag protests that took place on January 6, 2021. The wild card is this: The Mass Formation Psychosis Left, led by the same agencies that led the 2016 insurrection attempt, will not stand by and watch a conservative majority regain control of the Federal government. Moreover, all the institutions I listed as now being owned by the left, will not act according to democratic rules and norms. Joe Biden just signaled this pretense at a news conference January 19th: “The increase of the prospect of it being illegitimate is in direct proportion to us not being able to get these reforms passed”. If they lose, which they will, then the election won’t be/wasn’t legitimate. Translation: ‘If we lose, we’ll wage war’. The point here is to not parse what the rambling Biden says although as a stream of consciousness, it was clear; the point is what it signals to the mass psychosis left base and how they’ll act, that is the wild card.
January 6th may have done one great favor for conservatism. One cannot expect their patriot factions to be led or deceived into anything resembling an insurrection again any time soon. The same thing cannot be said for the left which has numerous examples of real armed insurrection at the nation’s capital, at various state capitols, and countless examples of economic violence in cities all over the United States, especially in the past two years. Even more profound will be the response and acquiescence of the institutions owned by the left. When academia mobilizes their standard bearers to the talking head shows, when tech cancels any dissenters to leftist activism from their platforms for what they call ‘justified’ rage, whenmedia blasts out their official narrative 24 hours a day, when the bureaucratic deep state infiltrates, spies on and disables all opposition, when the military sends a letter from 200 soiled retired officers supporting the left narrative and summarily purges officers supporting the ‘opposition’, when big business locks arms and declares their loyalty to the state and further purges any dissident employees from their executive ranks.
All of this has happened before, is happening now, and I predict will explode into flagrant anti-constitutional behaviors at the end of this year, possibly embellished by widespread violence, even armed violence from the left. If perchance we escape that outcome in November, then by 2024, the mass psychosis left will be all that more invested in radical disruption.
I wanted to write both articles I at first described. If it were a matter of one scenario or the other prevailing over the next few years, we’d have the equivalent of a continued long term political guerrilla war, but it’s the third undeclared ‘article’ or set of events that might really decide which way the United States goes. In the first two scenarios, there’s a measure of control, even within the chaotic Progressive left. In the third scenario, the establishment-left looses control over the monster they bred and formed. No one is prepared for what might happen next.