Since words are sparse lately, I’ll get right to a few points. I’m inclined to think that the end draweth nigh for the Donald. The focus of the impeachment inquiry, drumming up campaign from Ukraine help, is not why. While there seems to be enough revelation now to say that it happened, that it is illegal, and that it is an impeachable offence, I can’t get too worked up about it; not when Hunter was trading name influence for cash with daddy Biden sitting blithely in the VP house, and not when Obama/Clinton involved Russia, an English agent and multiple other intermediaries to trash Trump’s campaign. No, Trump is caught for equal or lesser crimes than his predecessors. So while two wrongs don’t make a right, in Washington, a dozen wrongs can go untouched for generations while the newbie is slayed.
So why is Trump about to meet his demise? I take the abandonment of the Kurds and the utterly juvenile excuse laden follow up as an example. We should get out of Syria asap, but karma must now be paid for the backstab that occurred in that fiasco. There are essentially no more advisors. If Trump was a team, the starters through the third and fourth string are all gone. The water boys are holding the empty spaces. Trump has no more friends or professionals that might help him; he fired or drove them all off. Trump, all ‘seeing’, all ‘wise’, and he needs no other. He will be impeached and he stands a fair chance of a Nixonian end. Sooner or later, he will be cut loose. If he by some miracle survives into a next term, I give that term less than a year.
Personally, I gave Trump the benefit of a doubt. Some of his instincts were right-on in spite of himself and the country has and may continue to benefit from some of those actions but the Trump going forward is not the same one of yesterday and certainly not the same cost. We have to separate Trump the person from the office he holds. The office goes on. On his present trajectory, Trump will taint conservatism far worse than he already has with his collateral errors and character. The pendulum will swing back.
To use a football analogy, the quarterback is old and is making huge errors. New untested subs are on the sidelines. As happened with my team last year, that sub turned out to be not only the new direction for the team but also a new paradigm for the position. We need people of stature that can rise above the present and think strategically down the road rather than just shout from a political foxhole.