“It’s getting pretty hard to do even just everyday chores and things. Things just haven’t worked out the way the new government said they would so far. I can buy cat food with meat in it but there’s no meat in the stores, or at least not the ones I can drive to but that ain’t saying much cause I can’t drive very far, not on the new gas rationing plan. If I could get to the city I’d be fine – sort of, but that wouldn’t leave enough gas for work and even that’s harder on one income. You’d think it wouldn’t be such a big deal since they’re paying us $1,550 every month no matter what and at least my wife doesn’t have to worry about her commuting expenses now like when she was employed so that sort of works out, but it doesn’t really get it anymore since basic household costs are up 18% this year and that’s on top of the 15% last year. They may as well be handing me allowance like my dad used to cause that’s about how far it goes. I don’t like this new government much, not as much as I thought I would back in 2023. We were like almost at civil war the year before that when we had two parties, but the new President and her people put a stop to that. I’m not one for foreign shit but once the Chinese forced that standoff and our people and our illustrious President, she flung open the doors to the UN or whoever that was, we were expecting the worst, but truth be told, a lot of people hardly saw a difference. Next thing you know, they were on TV and radio for a few weeks and the news people were actually really happy about that, then they just quietly went back to business, except no more fighting. You can’t fight if the people you’re going to fight are outlawed so no more political parties here. It probably don’t make a difference but we do still have elections and the one party people win – surprise surprise, but who cares. The people that used to make a lot of noise, you don’t hear anything from them anymore, not a peep. My uncle says that a lot of them lost their jobs and they had to be retrained so the govies set up special centers for that need. They have one just a few counties away in PA and I’d imagine they’d have to have quite a few more as many people as that involved. Well, the kids are still here anyway, my kids still seeing them at school but just like their mom and dads, pretty quiet from what Camden and Missy tell me; they’ll be in high school next year by the way. It’d be nice if we could get away for a vacation this summer but they’re telling us wait one more year. A lot of things are closed anyway. How many times have we heard that! Before that whole pandemic, things were looking up, Jenny and I had gotten a raise and we had our Disney cruise booked, but one thing led to another, we were close to going in 2022, winter break and you know, that’s when the shit hit the fan as they say. Bam! One president out, another in and then that’s when things got really fucked up. We couldn’t keep up with it, one drama filled tragedy after another. I suppose, in retrospect, they didn’t have to be that big of a deal but when everybody got together during the second round of it all and announced that the Supreme Court and the constitution needed to get with the times, including the whole process of when and how that happened, that was the biggest thing. Part of that process was when they outlawed anything but Democrats and within two weeks, you’d never know there had been a hiccup. The Republicans weren’t around to run their mouth and especially the biggest mouth of them all, you know, that bastard Trump, they took care of him pretty quickly I hear. The trial only lasted six weeks. Next thing you know, more drama, the Chinese standoff, Russia in on it too I suppose, so new day new way, you adapt. God I wish I could have a steak or especially a steak sub, I’d settle for that, maybe even more. That guy Xi tells us that’ll be fixed by next year, maybe even before then. Maybe its worth it all. We don’t have all that hate and riots now, the blacks seem pretty happy, not a word from them and I can’t ever remember a time when the news on my way to and from work was all just…what’s the word? Fine, everything just seems fine. I can’t remember the last time I heard of a shooting so something must be working. Well, hate to hold you up like this, I’ve been grabbing your ear for too long this evening, so I’ll let you get back. Have a good one.”
What will it look like when America goes down? The monologue above is just one of a billion possibilities, but I’m sure you recognized a few elements, maybe all of them if you really follow the news now. A takeover will look very different depending on who you talk too. This scenario is from a disengaged, possibly bluecollar man, one that didn’t have very much ‘skin in the game’ as the expression goes. From his perspective, most details are hidden, by the design of others. It belies what would be assuredly, horror for so many others. There are so many things in place for America to be crushed and it is only in those who are willing to fight for it and by God that it will endure.