This is a loose summary collection of actions, issues, and stances by the Trump administration that are hot right now. I thought this might be a good way to cover a lot of territory quickly and I plan to update this list occasionally.
Where Trump’s initiatives should succeed:
Cut back on use of the American military to situations that represent only American interest
Break up the climate-change cabal |This does not mean do nothing for the environment. The climate change crowd is politicized. Yes, scientist can be politicized.
Break up the federal education cabal | This does not mean do nothing for education. The federal education crowd is quite politicized. Those who don’t acknowledge this probably benefit from the system. Give education back to the states and keep it there.
Where we should take a wait and see approach to Trump’s initiatives before get the pitchforks:
Immigration | Trumps proclamations about immigration are so far, legal, and may theoretically be necessary to correct Obama’s flaunting of standing immigration law. Nevertheless, his manner of initiating the action was heavy handed and crude. He needs to learn that not every change needs a howitzer. How you do something is just as important as what you do and so far, it’s a fail.
The Wall | Do those in opposition to the wall simply believe in no borders? The wall is certainly a crude devise but it may be a useful tool in the long run. Do we need a wall with Canada? The wall is a symptom of a political foreign policy failure between the US and Mexico that needs to be addressed. If a mutual immigration policy with Mexico worked, we wouldn’t need a wall. Fix the policies. Ironically, the threat of the wall could be a step in that direction.
Putin and Russia | Is there a book somewhere that says we must be at war with Russia to be safe? So yes, Putin is a snake but perhaps its possible to manage him better as a quasi-friend. Ultimately, it’s his citizenry that needs to deal with him, not us. Lets pretend and make nice. It sure beats the hell out of war.
The press | I’d put this in his succeed column as well because as Trump said, they are an opposition party and they are not supposed to be. They are hell bent on his demise; they are not supposed to be. Their job is to tell the news, not make it and so far, the press are escalating animosities where it is as yet, unnecessary. Nevertheless, the war with the press could morph into a over-reach by Trump and this needs to be watched closely.
The intelligence community (CIA etc) | On the one hand you obviously can’t live without them but on the other hand, they appear to also be politicized at least in some of the higher ranks and that should not be. Quiet regime change would be best, public wars are just wrong and embarrassing. Which will it be?
Any gross expansion of spending and debt | Trump is acting like a huge cost cutter. Other news suggests his MO will cost us in the long run. Very few of us have any real idea. Stay tuned.
Race relations | Maybe Trump is the ultimate pragmatist and is going straight for the issues (such as Chicago’s murder rate). Maybe he doesn’t give a damn. Watch what he does, not what he says. Expect the Dems, BLM and other movements to trash anything he does or says. Do not look to them as an indication of progress.
Where Trump’s initiatives should fail:
Torture | The use of torture by the CIA, the military, or any of their affiliates at black sites is against international conventions.
Net Neutrality | We had it right so leave it alone.
Any disincentive against clean energy | Oil will be with us for awhile anyway so take a neutral approach, but don’t favor oil at the expense of oil independence. Do something for coal workers but don’t invest in an industry that’s dying a natural death.
Obsession with the inauguration count and the news stories thereof | Who gives a damn. Move on. Sheesh!