We’re in it, the ‘final’ war to end America. For decades, we heard about existential threats to our founding values and institutions. Some were state based like the USSR or China, many were domestic ideological attacks such as much of what is dreamt up in academia. Of course, there are links between the two as well as a thousand intermediate efforts: brands of America hating liberal progressivism, socialist and anarchists of all stripes. The point here is that even within conservatism, the present culture and political war is often portrayed as just a really bad iteration of what came before. No, they’re playing the whole table for keeps this time, winner take all.
They want all the votes, illegitimately if necessary, both houses of congress and the Presidency in perpetuity, all of the courts, and the elimination of federalism so that it doesn’t matter if a state chooses a different direction. They want the redistribution of wealth, and most particularly, the institutionalized subjugation of Caucasians. They want open borders and the colonization of our land mass. They want full cradle to grave socialist indoctrination, pervasive, even forced abortion, and majorities made up of gays and transvestites. They want your children and grandchildren’s full and forced indoctrination and acceptance of all of these goals. To any that resist, they are perfectly willing to suspend all civil rights, property rights, to impound any that resist and ultimately, to snuff out those that don’t serve their purposes. We are under a full invasion. We either fight back, win the war or cease to exist.
Why do I paint this bleak picture? Before you can defeat an enemy, a demon, a threat of any kind large or small, you must name it. Joe Biden isn’t just a demented former Senator and Vice President, he may as well be the anti-Christ; not literally of course but even in his senility, he’s aware that he’s made a bargain with the devil: deliver us America in exchange for a few short years of pride and absolute power. You are his pawn. Pelosi and Schumer as well, are agents of the demon, Soros a dark emperor behind them. There are others behind them we cannot see but they are there. Find their name and speak it out loud. We are not just dysfunctional, we are under attack, name the enemy, say what they are really doing, do not hold back.