As a news junkie and someone who curates what I believe are articles worth your time, I follow major web news aggregators closely. During the election cycle, we’ve been given a lot of news stories about Hillary Clinton’s interactions with the FBI, covering her handling of classified emails and a web of tangled conflicts of interest spanning many years to the present. There are many voices, even including some allies, decrying her defiance of the law and the invincibility of the whole Clinton machine to any consequences. While it is unclear whether her arrogance will ultimately cost her in November, I see a vacuum in bureaucratic Washington.
The FBI found wrongdoing that would and already has sent lesser mortals to prison. Where is Congress? Where is the checks and balances that are supposed to be part of the fabric of our government? Why is Obama, Hillary’s principle patron, getting a pass as he continues to grant defacto immunity through his DOJ surrogates ? Why is FBI director James Comey still in his position even as he continues to release more damning proof that he should have indicted Hillary ? Why is this subservient justice branch of the executive branch immune to congressional action? Where is congressional leadership? Does the Supreme Court have an opinion or do they not give a damn? Why does this case have to be championed by public interest groups using the Freedom of Information Act and Matt Drudge and not by the branches of government designed to hold checks and balances?
I am no expert on the minutia of governmental process in Washington, but it appears that the whole town has been bought off. The crux of the matter is this: Obama will leave for an eternity of golf and global-elite activism. Even if Hillary makes it into office, the rancor over her ethics breeches will only get louder. The presidential honeymoon period will be over before the last vote is counted. Will we then go back to where we have three healthy independent branches of government again, or has the whole town of Washington entered into permanent sycophant status, subject to every new autocrat that takes office? Will Congress sit on their hands and allow yet more power to be seized by the executive branch? As bad as this election cycle is, that is now an even more relevant question. Three healthy branches of government are supposed to self-correct any anomalies in a chief-executive and it has done so in the past. Are these days over?