Dear journal, it’s October 20th 2026. If only we knew four or five years ago what we know now. I’ve needed to write this out for some time now but things moved really quickly and it’s only now that I can get this on paper though it took some effort. Fortunately, at least I still have my journal, right? At least for now. God knows this wouldn’t happen on my phone and that won’t even be needed if they keep pushing that brain chip. Fortunately…I think!….the routers don’t read minds yet but I can’t even be sure of that, nevertheless, I unplugged it just to be safe. It’s hell right now and getting worse. I’ve got to get to work at the store in an hour so I’ll just cram a few thoughts in. It would be nice if I had my old job back, flex hours, good pay and all, nice climate-controlled space, I even liked my peeps there. Too bad that b**** ratted me out, what a perfect tool for the almighty state! Don’t dare question equity they say, it’s not like you have the constitution anymore, not that that would have helped with the heap of lawyers they sicked on me. If only we could’ve seen that coming, what a couple rigged elections could do. We saw just a little of it in 20 and got whacked hard so we tried to play it easy and quiet in 22. That one was supposed to be slam dunk and it was until it wasn’t and we still have no friggin idea what hit us then. Ya know, the commies talked about grabbing the means of production and guess what…when you seize elections you seize everything. You can win by a landslide and next thing you know, two for me, one for you, three for me, one for you. It didn’t take long to steal one that was totally in our hat and then gone it was. After that, it became a lot easier to steal everything. We thought things in this country were crazy in 22 but that was only the beginning. A corpse basically in the oval office, we knew it was that bad when someone finally figured out that no public witness had seen a coherent word come out of his mouth in public for six weeks and of course never again after that. I know they used a lot of drugs to prop up the geezer and the recorded stuff was all deep fake. Meanwhile, we finally figured out who was running the country in 23, that jackass that Obama introduced after the ‘blue wave’ in 22 while Mr. blue corpse Biden’s just waved on the evening news. God I won’t forget that night! Kiss your life goodbye! That’s when they went into overdrive. State run elections, bye bye sucka! Hello federal… All so convenient to vote on your cell phone eh; quite the improvement for your side when it guarantees that you’ll win. But truth be told, what shocks me most even today is that not a SINGLE ONE of my Dem-‘friends’ batted an eye! I still can’t get over how they stood there with s***-eating grins when they locked up the Donald and his people that were sticking with him, and then they came for the all the ones like Cruz, Paul, you name it, they grabbed-em one by one. And yeah, they even got a few governors too that weren’t looking behind their backs well enough and now we have this big standoff. Federal this and federal that and in fact, it’s so federal that we got 13 Supremes right now, maybe more on the way the way they put it last night. Everyone some iteration of the ‘rainbow’ but don’t diss equity! BTW, they’re quite happy it seems that they don’t have to worry about interpreting a ‘constitution’, not that any g****** one of them has the brain wattage for that anymore. The old ones did but we know how long that lasted. Land of the free abortion and home of the brave tranny. It’s all pretty easy when you only have one functional party and the ‘opposition’ is filled with your plants, and we’re supposed to be grateful that they went to the trouble to do even that rather than just line them up against a wall and mow them down which by the way may have happened with a few of them last month. We’ll never know when the Dems own that means of production too, the news. But hey, it’s every man for himself when they’re coming for you next maybe. I’ve learned my lesson and I’ll keep my blade of grass head below the rest of them from now on. I think I can keep this little bit of frank conversation sufficiently hidden – maybe – I hope – kinda.
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