Each year I do a year end post that reviews what I believe are the most important essays/articles/commentary I produced. In as much as I often verbalize a matter before it’s mainstream knowledge, I may highlight something here that became a big deal later or is trending that way. I may also pick out writings that are still waiting to manifest on a broader stage and I feel that intuition even stronger now; I will amplify the message. I’ve typically picked out two writings from each month but since my production has decreased this fall, I won’t hold myself to that standard. Following is the article title and a short paragraph synopsis. For a new visitor to the site, this (and past year end wrap ups) also serves as a good introduction to my approach with Northeast Reader. Thanks for reviewing these articles.
How ‘Toxic’ Masculinity Will Save Itself – It Always Does
Rereading this piece, I was at first annoyed with myself for stating so many well-worn obvious trends against men. Then I came upon and was reminded of what I wrote in the middle. We tend to evaluate the cultural success of manhood according to high profile idealist doing battle against the loud detractors of maleness. Meanwhile, real men go about their calling in silence. If they are ever truly broken of their manhood, everyone else will find out about it the hard way.
A Trans-Twitter Suspension and All Its Permutations
Just under a year ago, I was suspended from Twitter (now X) for a few days over my attitude toward the trans movement, a movement now shown to be much broader and embedded in so many institutions. I’ve written on this topic semi-often as it, a) has been made such a big deal of by their own, the far left, as they, the aggressors, a tiny activist minority, are forcing this specific perversion on everyone else. b) It’s an especially pernicious violation against the very essence of humanity. Each article I do brings some different aspect to the table and this one is important in its time. The actual suspension was likely a transitional glitch by the bots. Twitter/X still has quirky parameters but as the single most important media source on the globe today, it’s worth the work around when it gets fussy.
When an Eight Dollar Investment Buys You the Entirety of Western Civilization
A little over a year ago, I subscribed to the Twitter (now X) ‘Blue Check’ subscription. Consequently, several posters took note and tried to use that mark as proof that I was vacuous or vain and to thus discredit my opinions. The article is a response, an FYI. The particulars of that set of events are less important than an underlying principle: How you prioritize your resources and where, has the potential to make big changes far beyond your tiny contribution. My $8 doesn’t changes Musk’s financial viability but it’s a vote that counts and the timing mattered. I’ve since unsubscribed to align with my own changing objectives but the message I sent for about a year was the right thing at the right time. Look beyond the face value of your own investments.
The Upside Down Flag – The Signal of Distress
As I re-read this essay, I picked up a sense that almost a year ago, that the mood among conservatives was almost at a breaking point. I can remember that now, but things have indeed changed. The article looks at specific rhetorical trends of ‘civil war’ almost ready to burst to the surface. How many of them might have turned literal is hard to say. Comparing and contrasting to today, we see the left, the Obama’s in particular with their recent Netflix production, attempting to troll conservative into a state of paranoia, and to get us to pull a ‘trigger’ so they won’t ‘have to’. Won’t work Barack. They dearly want that war so bad they can taste it, but history is moving in a different direction now.
Advice to Men Looking for a Fine Woman
You may be shocked to know that I no longer worry about viewership statistics here on NER but I did receive some clues that this piece received more interest than most. Its basic and transcends the daily newsfeed. If we don’t have a generation of young men ready to take the reins of private and civic life, its lights out. Addressing men, young men in particular, is a theme I return to regularly. Some of them/you don’t necessarily need my advice but based on my real-world interactions and observation, a lot of them could really use this piece.
Where’s John Fetterman? A New Frankenstein?
In ordinary circumstances, this article would not rate a place on the year review, but the situation with John Fetterman was quirky back then and it’s just as true even now, but for different reasons. I describe his poor sorry state back in March and float that he could be dead or have a body double in his stead. No news outlet seriously considered that the case then or now, but I’m even more convinced myself. As I said then, “A mental hospital may fix a brain, but it doesn’t change the dimensions of your head.” The ‘new’ John Fetterman has recently started to espouse and verbalize some conservative positions. What if there was a movie where the crooks put in a body-double and he slowly decides to not obey his masters and starts to work against them? What if???
Changing History Through Migration
In as much as I have repeating themes that weave their way through my essays, this one will be coming back for more. The migration I refer to is domestic, within the United States, necessitated by deteriorating conditions within the city one may now live in. Migration has large costs, risks, and significant discomforts. I theorize that it may carry health risks for reasons that I’m not sure have ever really been studied. Nevertheless, it’s started, its happening and a great many other people may be forced to flee to saner, more stable, and better administrated cities and states and it may be a matter of your personal and financial survival. Expect this trend to become much bigger over the next three to five years.
Why the Culture War is Still Essential for Someone and For the Big Picture
Re-reading this essay, it’s a contender for possibly the most important statement I made all year. I both agree and disagree with another conservative writer and use his commentary as my platform of departure. The rest is self-explanatory.
Why Are Liberal Women Held Hostage to the Trans Cult?
Women are being so badly steamrolled by the elevation and promotion of trans ideology, that it seems like no one can catch their breath long enough to ask why. In addition to detailing the damage to women here, I propose a theory as to why Liberal woman roll over so easily and bear the brunt of this movement in silence. In essence, they’ve made a deal with the devil to keep abortion at the forefront, no matter if the cost is the annihilation of their gender.
By The Way Obama, About That Biden Problem
Roughly seven months ago I wrote about some newly broadcast revelation (though already well known to others) about Biden’s family crime syndicate activity. I didn’t even bother to discuss exactly which revelation or where and how it was disseminated. I simply assumed the reader would be following the news at that moment. Since then, it’s been seemingly, a new exhuming of scandal of that proportion every week since. Frankly, who cares what exactly came out that week in May 2023? We now know so much more, and Biden is indeed cruising toward an impeachment process. Yet, what I really want to highlight here is Barack Obama’s knowledge and involvement. Joe’s corruption is just the tip of Barack’s own corruption. I’ve floated Obama’s culpability in numerous destructive trends in this country for some time but now, Obama is on the cusp of being fully exposed public enemy number one. He will be, personally, a singular high-profile issue in 2024.
Welcome to G*y Aggression Month aka ‘Pride’
This very short piece is nothing but a direct blistering statement charging the gay community with complicity in a much broader degeneration of social life. If only they had contented themselves with their personal liberties. My declarations here would doubtless garner the tag of ‘hate’ to which I’d reply, in the vernacular of Elon Musk: “Go f*ck yourself”. Yes, some of the gay community have started to distance themselves from the rot of their identity war peers but sadly, I see no mass movement to do so. Broad public sentiment is starting to shift in the direction I articulate.
Election – What Election? We Are No Longer Democratic
Much like my second highlighted piece for the month of May, this commentary has ended up being just an early example of election interference happening all the way up to and even in today’s news. In that regard, it could be seen as a dated piece of old news. Within that description of current events, there’s several statements of what constitutes institutionalized election interference. These are worth a lot more consideration. As a marker of time and sentiment as of June 10th 2023, we can also look back and gauge just how far down the Democrat and Deep State has gone to subvert the 2024 election and how, remarkably, they’ve shot themselves in the foot in the process.
Bill Gates, the Learned Evil in Our Midst
Presently being in a season of fewer words and sporadic posts, I was surprised to re-discover the expanse of this romp concerning the evil Bill Gates. If perchance you’re unfamiliar with his enterprises and just thought he was a nice rich man, you can learn otherwise after about a five-minute read. Also, like some other prominent global characters, Bill Gates is someone that you’ll be hearing much more about in 2024 and not in a good way. After this coming year, his ‘fall from grace’ may very well be complete.
Reflection on the Difficulties of Contemporary Youth
The difficulties that I outline in this story are mostly just context to communicate what I went through in my youth and throughout my career, but it ties back in at the end. This is entirely autobiographical but even now, after living several decades in the emerging digital era, my past strikes me with a curious amazement, a different kind of reality. Our inner needs and life outcomes will not be that different from each other, young from old. This essay is a major departure from my usual fare and is as important as anything I’ll ever write.
Childlessness and the Ensuing Perverted World Views
This essay is about a distant acquaintance and others of a similar demographic, that I anonymously analyze based on a meme and an accompanying history of liberal leanings. To them, it’s just another day of knee jerk – maybe mindless – obedience to their own kind but the results aren’t pretty. What leftist/progressive/liberal adults are doing to children is horrific. I theorize that many of these people are (or will be) childless and that this factors heavily into their attitudes.
The Politics and Social Engineering of Privation
The trend I outline in this article is not yet realized by the much of the public but it’s a picture becoming clear to conservative stalwarts, the deplorable ‘far’ right. The trend is that you are being conditioned to accept lack and scarcity as your baseline status of existence. It’s all about the little things and ‘they’ will continue to move you toward their goal no longer how long it takes. Consider this article a good introduction to the idea if you’re not already familiar with the trend. As an update just in the 4 months since I wrote this, the backlash to these efforts is growing so there is some hope to divert these initiatives. Yet, on the darker side of the scale, there are also growing signs that the same people that want you poor are also committed to a global depopulation effort – to save the earth of course – so you may eventually be targeted not just for poverty but for elimination. Average people might be inclined to scoff at such tin-foil hat ideas, but just remember that it took Hitler just little more than a decade to grow a movement from theory to six million dead people. There are people still alive today that witnessed it first-hand. Scoff, at your own peril.
Postscript on Words of War Against Hamas
This piece is certainly mistitled because there will likely be a hundred years of words on the topic of today’s fight against Hamas. Otherwise, I was signaling that I had few words myself and that I’d be leaving it to others, at least as a present news focus. The main reason I even bother to highlight this writing is the last two sentences which I’ll insert right here: “One thing we learned from Gaza is that even the most aggressive well planned, well manned, and well-armed assault by radicals is still dependent on a substantially unarmed populace. They had their most ‘success’ storming rave parties, schools, and nurseries, and for that, they will be annihilated.”
The Reproductive Quandary You’ve So Far Ignored
My perception is that most people are now aware, there is more than one camp in regard to whether we’re over or under populating. Vaguely aware. Moreover, I suspect that like the personal level decision to procreate, as described in the article, the question is mostly irrelevant to almost everyone. Afterall, who in history ever had to think about the collective sum of theirs’s and other’s procreative choices? Few if any. But because we were bombarded with the topic now for almost two generations, in the form of scaring everyone about over-population, our social engineer overlords are bringing humanity to the brink of destruction, so maybe it should be our concern. This article will serve as a good introduction if you happen to be unaware of the debate and even if you are, I bring up hypotheticals that suggest maybe this should be a hotter topic on our personal radar.
Beware the Man Behind the Curtain – Barack Obama
It’s probably most appropriate to finish this list with a commentary about Barack Obama. As the title suggests, he’s been the man behind the curtain for a staggering list of our national ailments. But more so, he’s still here and is more active than ever. As I point out, “Obama is masterminding our destruction and Biden isn’t his last puppet.” I will be writing more about Obama in 2024, no doubt. This article makes a good segue between 2023 and 2024. Obama’s time behind the curtain is almost over and in 2024, he will be out for all to see.
See you on the other side, 2024.
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