I read that public schools in Chicago are now closed despite receiving $2.6 billion in federal aid to compensate for Covid safety measures that would keep them open. Teachers unions in San Francisco, New York City, and other Progressive cities are close to forcing the same outcome. They’re doing this because they can. There’s a […]
Archives for 2022
Saving the Democracy – False Rhetoric for Opposite Outcomes
‘Victorious warriors win first and then go to war, while defeated warriors go to war first and then seek to win” Sun Tzu Voter discrimination Rigged and unfair elections Abolition of democracy Democrats conducted widespread voter discrimination Democrats fought for rigged and unfair elections Democrats lobby for the abolition of democracy Voting rights Free and […]
AOC Thinks She’s a Thang – The Great American Seductress
A news story from this past weekend has made the rounds over a snafu started by AOC; that would be Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez to anyone not familiar with her eminence. She, a partisan dyed the deepest shade of blue, graced the deep red Florida, Miami to be exact, to enjoy the unparalleled recreation available in that […]