‘Sticks and stones may break my bones, but names can never hurt me’ Political struggles can be divided into basic categories. There are matters too distant or arcane for some people to worry about, things like international relations or defense. Traditionally, the only thing that’s mattered to a lot of people and especially politicians, is […]
Archives for 2021
When Life Gives You Illegal Immigrants, Make Them Conservatives
I’m at partial variance with my conservative peers on a couple issues – not many, just a couple. This would apply to half of the equation regarding illegal immigration. My take is that we actually do need more immigration into this country, but I’m in full agreement when it comes to the legality with which […]
Where are the Religious During Pandemic Fascism?
Where are they? Within many religions, Christian persuasions, and sects, a great many claim to have a higher mission to protect the powerless. This is by no means an exclusive conservative faith vs. liberal faith belief. It should be a commonality between them all with only some variations in what and how they address the […]
About the Making of News, Credible Journalism, and the Use of Citations
Big Media is in love with itself. They fancy themselves as the custodians of ‘truth,’ but more so, they deeply believe that they define truth or increasingly, that they are truth. They sit in both chairs, oblivious to the circular reference, a feedback loop. But how should journalism be validated? Let’s cross reference to another […]
Covid ca September 2021, The Cold War Phase Begins
If Covid was a ‘normal’ pathogen, it would have been licked by now. When you combine the total number of vaccines administered and the number of cases experienced (= immunity), it equals about 70%, the standard accepted threshold for herd immunity. Some, like Fauci for instance, arbitrarily dispute that figure; but, in fact, we don’t […]
The Most Dangerous Chapter in US History is Now
I’m pretty sure we’re about to enter the most dangerous point in United States history – or at least since the Civil War. We have a coup in progress and it’s not the Trumpists. While I’m familiar with US history, I’m no expert, but certainly, our country has faced deep and dangerous threats to its sovereignty. […]