I came, I saw, and in the end, I didn’t like what I saw; such is my summation of the whole libertarian movement. This is not to say that I didn’t and don’t like many of the core truths to libertarianism, nor is it that I’ve embraced the inevitability of two sole parties. History says […]
Archives for October 2020
What Conservatism Needs Most, Now
Conservatism has spent much of the last generation trying to survive. There have been strengths and victories, but these are seemingly always one vote away from destruction. The left made major strides by playing the long game and quietly changing the very platforms that make a difference, not just one election, one issue, one interest group. They […]
First Debate Impressions 2020
I’d be lying if I said I’m not disappointed at this juncture for the cause of conservatism, in light of the apparent shitshow of a debate #1. As is my custom, I do not watch live performances of high office holders and candidates, so my impressions are based on gleaned observations by those with the […]