A summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week. Most of this week’s post will not be directly about Trump. In fact, I’ll limit my comments to one issue, his ability to influence congress, particularly as it applies to the failed Obama-care repeal. Personally, I was more a fan of Rand […]
Archives for March 2017
TIR 3/23/17: The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White Peoples ‘Deaths Of Despair’
The Forces Driving Middle-Aged White Peoples ‘Deaths Of Despair’ Web Publication: NPR (WYPR 88.1 Baltimore), by Jessica Boddy The tip of the iceberg If a reader is inclined to political correctness, they might find the article title at least suspicious; that is, until the reader realizes that it was published by NPR. The crux of the […]
The Trump Scorecard 3/22/17
A summary look at hot news issues surrounding Trump during the past week Everything on this week’s list appeared on prior lists. New news brings updates: Where Trump’s initiatives should succeed: Neil Gorsuch | The question is not whether he will be confirmed but how he is confirmed. This battle is much bigger than Trump; […]
TIR 3/17/17: The 62 agencies and programs Trump wants to eliminate
The 62 agencies and programs Trump wants to eliminate Web Publication: USA Today, by Gregory Korte Slash & Burn? Yesterday, USA Today published a list of the cuts that Trump is including in his budget. USA Today is to be commended for this sort of straight journalism. The list is somewhat concise and organized. The […]
The Trump Scorecard 3/15/17
Trump news this past week has been dominated by a healthcare reform bill, more Kelly Anne Conway, and the leaking of some tax returns. But underlying the headlines is the sense that this Presidency is settling down into something actually closer to old style establishment Republicanism. Gerald Ford maybe? This is not necessarily a bad […]
TIR 3/14/17: ….a bill to let telecoms sell your personal Internet history
There are the 17 House Representatives that introduced a bill to let telecoms sell your personal Internet history Web Publication: Privacy News Online, by Caleb Chen What privacy? This brief article – more like an announcement, should be greeted with great concern. It describes an effort to allow telecoms to sell our browser history. The […]