Trump completes his first full year in office and he has not been run out or impeached. The Russia-accusations have not stuck and Mueller, I predict will basically fail in the core aspirations of Trump’s adversaries, indictment and removal from office. In the meantime, the economy roars, questionable legislative influence is made all OK by the passage of a tax bill. Let’s not forget that he has gotten out of the way of military professionals like Mattis, with whom, I feel far safer than the decision makers of the prior administration. He did well on his Supreme Court nomination.
Almost more fascinating than Trump has been wave after wave of rage from the anti-Trump crowd. Last winter it was Soros funded protestors, antifa, and other high-level organization all the way up to Obama and Hillary’s personal involvement. Funny how Obama never panned out as an opposition force and Hillary’s blame- tour ended in even many of her friends distancing themselves. Impeach goes the drum-beat by self-made elected officials, goading themselves on, woefully ignorant of the constitution. Mueller became the executioner to-be, now mired in his own scandal amidst a perversely partisan FBI that should be overhauled top to bottom. Major network press, the huge monolith of opposition has tripped over their own feet so many times now that they scramble to justify their professionalism and esteem in the public eye.
Most of the Washington wonks that were writing strident calls to action even through the summer have basically shut-up, wearied by their own over-wrought anti-Trump fervor. Hoping for electoral sea-change in 2018 is about all they have left and I’m not so certain that will be as slam dunk as they think. Sure, seats will change, but if the economy is still strong and we haven’t been led into any ill-advised wars, and if Dems are still a single-issue party (take out Trump at all costs), we may actually see very little change in congress.
I’m still not a Trump booster. I still have a lot of problem with how he gets things done but I can’t argue with some of his most important agenda outcomes. Compromise? Yes; purist of any stripe does not last a day in Washington. Trump, his people, his party, and I, as a libertarian individual, all compromise on what we believe in the interest of the most important issues.