Maybe you’ve noticed that former President, Barack Obama, has been in the news lately. He was recently invited to the White House for the first time since his departure in 2016, whereupon he attracted all of the in-house attention ogling over him, literally leaving Biden alone wandering in circles wondering why nobody wanted to talk to him. It made for great visuals. Obama was like a rock star returned to his former glory, receiving all the cooing adoration. It must have been a welcome reprieve for the White House staffers after having suffered through a year and a half working the executive assisted-living facility. For Obama, it was a return to a manner that felt ever so natural, a narcissistic center of the universe.
A lot of history has passed since Obama left the White House. Trump effectively reversed a great deal of the damage that he did which might also facilitate forgetting how much bad Obama did. Obama has been aptly described as the great divider. He sponsored some of the biggest lies in modern Presidential history, like, “you can keep your [health] insurance” when pushing through ‘Obama-care’. Obama was also an international disaster, bending over and taking it from the Mullahs in Iran, disasters in Libya, Syria to name a few places; threatening a ‘red-line’ with the Russian’s that never came. He bombed a lot of Muslim babies. He was a war monger, taking over and eventually owning the wars himself, the expansionist and ill-conceived wars started by George Bush. Ironically, Bush and Obama ended up being far closer soulmates than Bush ever experienced with the later Trump; both believed in what’s referred to now as the ‘Globalist American Empire’ which is their sense of globalism financed by the sweat of the American middle class and defended by the blood of its sons, all for the benefit of the elite power structure. Trump brought all of that to a screeching halt, drawing the full weight and wrath of the deep state, [FBI, CIA, NSA, the administrative state].
After leaving office, Obama tooled around Martha’s Vineyard, Hawaii, and his digs in DC, the life of a carefree party boy celebrity, still white hot adored by deep progressive liberal women and sycophant men. He gave off the image that he was in retirement, enjoying the fruits of his ‘labors’ in degrading America for eight years; (I will give him credit for taking out Bin Laden and a few other tertiary acts), but overall, he left this country kneecapped. He was not in retirement at all. We now know he had his hands in the Hillary Clinton campaign, assisting first in trying to take out Trump the candidate, and then Trump the President, using in both instances, the institutions and agencies of the United States of America, rightfully belonging to the whole American people, but using these assets for purposes of political homicide against a political opponent. These were activated on his watch while still acting as President. While Hillary Clinton was a primary agency here, Obama and Biden preceded her and Obama remained a principle agent after Hillary was defeated and had no campaign to defend. It must also be noted that every act perpetrated by Hunter Biden and Joe Biden, that now notorious international extortion family enterprise, these two were also executed under Obamas watch as well. Of course, he knew. He Blessed. He participated.
By my accounting, Obama is in his fourth term of office. He had two terms as elected President. He ran a shadow Presidency throughout the Trump term and coordinated opposition to Trump at every turn to try to salvage his own failed legacy. Through intermediaries, he made several attempts to have Trump removed from office, a fully treasonable offence. Both Clinton and Biden, being profoundly incompetent, could be viewed as assisting Obama in the larger objective of taking out Trump, the singular greatest threat to the Globalist American Empire. That shadow reign constitutes his third term. The fourth term is now his puppetry of Biden.
Obama has had to come out of the shadows as his fourth Biden term of the Presidency is failing so bad. He can no longer lay in the shadows and pretend to be that picture of the Cialis couple enjoying the fullness and fruits of their labors as the sun sets. Suddenly, we see him showing up for speeches, reminding us of his failures, reminding us of why voters turned out to reject the ostensibly easiest win imaginable in 2016 in Hillary Clinton. Yes, his fourth term isn’t going so well. All the radical leftist he set loose to finish his legacy have blown up on Biden. All the foreign policy blunders channeled through Joe aren’t going the way he planned. Suddenly we and Obama find ourselves facing the prospect of nuclear destruction because of a demonstrably weak hand and loose lips of policy uttered through the senile Biden during a senior moment. Talk about waking up and smelling the coffee, that’ll do it.
Obama hoped Joe Biden would have been compliant enough, stayed out of the way enough, shut up enough, but it wasn’t to be. As Babylon Bee stated it, Obama can’t work from home anymore. He must come into the office now. Before it’s all said and done, he might have to direct this administration openly and on site, the farce exposed.